Tuesday, 15 November 2011


           Newspaper plays a vital role in everyone’s daily life as it is a tool to update yourself with the current issues. Newspaper helps the readers to gain more general knowledge besides entertaining them with the upcoming events. The news which are publish in the newspapers are rather true and most of current issues are much debatable as it covers all types of topics from all over the world. Kress and Van Leeuwen (1998) mentioned that newspaper can be in many ways in terms of the context including the cultural context. For example, the issue on sexism, which were posted in the middle of the year from the Orthodox Jewish paper, Di Tzeitung.
The issue has been debatable because of the manually deletion by the Orthodox Jewish paper, Di Tzeitung of the US secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and Audrey Tomason, one of the counterterrorism director. The original picture was shown when they were seated with president Barrack Obama and his staff, watching the raid by Navy Seals in the killing of Osama Bin Laden. The deletion of both women may disturbed those who are not Jewish as the newspaper itself has a policy not to issue the female images to show immodesty (Guardian, 2011).

Before the deletion of Hillary Clinton and Audrey Tomason
(Source: The Guardian, 2011)

                                                       After the deletion of Hillary Clinton and Audrey Tomason                                                                                           (Source: The Guardian, 2011)

The issue has raised on whether the publication of the report will affect the community’s beliefs as it has affected to some of the reader. As mentioned earlier, the role of a newspaper is to update the readers on the current issue with truth facts but in this issue, the transparency and truth of the story have been neglected. According to Long (1999), it stated that the alteration of the photos especially relating to the culture will caused a problem in terms of the context.
 NPPA or known as National Press Photographers Association (1991) further states that it is a breach of the ethical standards if alteration is made in the editorial content as it has misleads the public.
(323 words)

Fields, B n.d, School Discipline Coverage in Australian Newspapers: Impact on Public Perceptions, Educational Decisions and Policy, viewed on 10 November 2011, <http://www.aare.edu.au/05pap/fie05290.pdf>

Kress, G & van Leeuwen, T 1998, Front Pages: (The Critical) Analysis of Newspaper Layout, Approaches to media discourse, edsA Bell & P Garrett, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 186-219.
Long J, 1999, Ethics in the Age of Digital Photography, National Press Photographers Association, viewed 10 November 2011, <http://www.nppa.org/professional_development/self-training_resources/eadp_report/eadptxt.html>

McCombs, M n.d, The Agenda-Setting Role of the Mass Media in the Shaping of Public Opinion, viewed on 10 November 2011, <http://sticerd.lse.ac.uk/dps/extra/McCombs.pdf>

National Press Photographers Association (1991), Digital Manipulation Code of Ethic, viewed on 10 November 2011, <http://www.nppa.org/professional_development/business_practices/digitalethics.html>

The Guardian 2011, 'Orthodox Jewish paper apologizes for Hillary Clinton deletion', Associated Press, viewed 14 November 2011, <http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/10/jewish-paper-apologises-hillary-clinton>

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