Throughout this semester, I have learned a lot in Issues in Publication and Design (IPD) subject, which is conducted by Miss Jenny. In order to create this blog, it requires a lot of reading and at the same time, ‘trying an error’ designing the blog. Besides that, playing around with the accurate amount of interplay between pictures and words are also important in this assignment (Shriver, 1997). Readings by Walsh (2006) has helped me so much in understanding the process of the reading of the visual, multimodal and the print texts.
Not to be forgotten, in Reep (2006) reading, it mentioned that in order to create a good visual presentation, the principles of the design is much highlighted.
In summary, I hope that the theories and the knowledge that I have learned throughout this semester can help me to apply in my future working field.
Till we meet again. Bye!
Reep, D.C. 2006, ‘Chapter 4: Principles of Document Design,’ in Technical Writing, 6th ed., Pearson Edu, Inc., New York, p.173-190
Schriver, K.A 1997, 'Chapter 6: The interplay of words and pictures,' in Dynamics in document design: Creating texts for readers, pp.361-441, Wiley Computer Pub., New York.
Walsh, M. 2006, ‘Textual shift: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts,’ Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol.29, no.1, p.24-37
Nowadays, people are more relying on the iPad than the newspaper to update themselves with the current issues.
(Source: ChangeWave Research, n.d)
Based on the statistic given by ChangeWave Research (n.d), it is stated that the majority of the consumers, which is 51 percent, read newspaper through iPad and the balance is consumers reading the newspaper.
An author from The Cento, Trotter (2011) stated that Rupert Murdoch promoted the new iPad-only newspaper to the whole world, in which focusing on the technological aspects, changing the traditional ‘hold and fold’ format to the online format. It was also stated that the consumers are able to communicate with the publication to subscribe the fee, which supposedly be cheaper that the printed copies.
Multimodality here allows the consumers to interact and get connected with the organization with the creation of the website designs (Walsh, 2006). The website designs must be interesting and user-friendly so that the consumers are comfortable and can rely on it. The organization somehow wishes that they are able to deliver interesting and updated messages to the consumers. I personally think that reading news through iPad will be more motivating especially if the headline is interesting with catchy caption. Besides that, the graphics are more attractive compared to the newspaper. This will make me feel more enthusiastic to read and want to know more about that particular issue.
Trotter (2011) cited from a student, Smith stated that the Ipad will not ‘overtake’ the newspaper just yet. He believes that readers who read the news from the Ipad are just scan reading it, focusing on just the headlines of the news without reading the content. Shriver (1997) added that most of the readers expects the headings to be more style with interesting and catchy headlines, hoping that the headline gives them an attentive topic to read on.
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ChangeWave Research (n.d), consumers are more likely to read magazines and & newspaper on iPad than other devices, viewed on 12 November 2011, <>
Schriver, K.A 1997, 'Chapter 6: The interplay of words and pictures,' in Dynamics in document design: Creating texts for readers, pp.361-441, Wiley Computer Pub., New York.
Trotter, C. 2011, 'iPad only newspapers furthers media trend', The Cento, viewed 12 November 2011, <>
Walsh, M. 2006, 'Textual shift: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts,' Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol.29, no.1, p.24-37
E-Textbooks VS Hard copy Textbooks
An issue was raised up in August 2011 by Capeloto, whereby most of the students these days prefer to educate themselves with printed textbooks compared to the online textbooks or knows as E-textbooks. He continued explaining that it was hard to accept the fact that students are more preferable towards the textbooks than the E-textbooks. This is because the changing of the context of the textbooks are moving at the fast pace in the media world. Hence, the content may be outdated by the time it is updated through online. Students are actually paying less attention towards the online textbooks as they feel that they are just learning PDF ‘replicas’ of print pages. To them, the hard-copy textbooks are more helpful and interactive as they can highlight, scribble and writing short notes on the textbooks itself.
According to Michael Hyatt Intentional Leadership (2011) cited from a study by Book Industry Study Group (BISG), it is stated that the percentage of consumers purchasing the E-books at the fourth quarter of 2010 was only 7 percent. There was only an increase of 2 percent from the previous year and they estimated that it would only reach 50 percent only in 2014. That has concluded the slow market of E-books sale. It is also further explained by Shriver (1997) that the online textbooks are more difficult to understand, as they could not visualize the bigger picture of that particular topic in which would make sense to them. Hence, they are too unenthusiastic to learn through online.
It was then argued by Sasson (2011) stating that E-books actually give out a lot of advantages compared to the hard-copy textbooks. One of it is that you can get immediate information by downloading E-book. It does not take 24 hours to download on one particular book. Besides that, E-book helps the students to have extra reading on a particular topic as E-books provide links that are related to the topic that you are reading on and you may read it wherever you go. Lastly, E-books are printable and if the students wish to read it in a traditional manner, they are free to print it or they can even choose on a particular chapter to print. This has indirectly save their money, as some of them may only need one chapter of the book as their reference.
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Capeloto, A. 2011, How e-textbooks, online modules could keep journalism education current, viewed 12 November 2011, <>
Michael Hyatt Intentional Leadership 2011, Four Reasons Why The Sales Growth Of E-Books Will Be Slower Than Industry Executives Think, viewed on 12 November 2011, <>
Sasson, R 2011, The Benefits and Advantages of E-books, viewed on 12 November 2011, <>
Schriver, K.A 1997, ‘Chapter 6: The interplay of words and pictures’, in Dynamics in document design: Creating texts for readers, pp.361-441, Wiley Computer Pub., New York.
Media Prima pulls out ‘racist’ Ramadhan ads. This issue has been published on August 2, 2011 whereby 8TV has released three commercials of a Chinese girl, acting and behaving unethically which has disturbed the Muslim as those actions were not supposed to do during Ramadhan. Surprisingly, that was not the issue in this article. The issue that has made it controversial is the statement given in those commercials, stating that ‘please understand and respect the significance of Ramadhan’. Indirectly, those commercials have disturbed the non-Muslim as they feel that the ads are racist to them (Chieh, 2011).
I personally think that there were misinterpretations in those ads. The main purpose of this Public Service Announcement (PSA) was to inform as a message of a respect since it was a month of Ramadhan. It was such a controversial issue as they think that Malays are now more favored and they feel discriminated by the country’s law. For me, the message was not to offend anyone but somehow it has affected some of them and has become one of the controversial issue.
According to Advertising Standards Authority (1996), it stated that the advertisements must be well presented to avoid misinterpretations regardless what and which types of the medium are used. Well-presented advertisements will make the public to be more interested and there will be no disagreement as most of them are understand and happy with the advertisements. In contrast, if the advertisements are not well presented, it can actually interrupt public’s view in terms of the content; the manner in which it is advertised, what is the message, what is advertised and so forth.
In the end, an advertisement is symbolized as an outcome that does not respect the true dignity, in particularly, the dignity of a family, religion and life (Pontifical Council For Social Communications, 1997). The publics are said to always mislead the advertisement between the truth and deception because they proceed from literal fact and truth (O’Barr, 2007).
(329 words)
Advertising Standards Authority 1996, Advertising code of Ethics, viewed on 11 November 2011, <>
Chieh, YH 2011, Media Prima Pulls Out ‘Racist’ Ads, viewed on 11 November 2011, <>
O’Barr, WM 2007, Ethics and Advertising, viewed on 11 November 2011, <>
Pontifical Council For Social Communications 1997, Ethics in Advertising, viewed on 11 November 2011, <>